What’s new in HP LoadRunner Vugen
Version 11.50
Innovating the interface with Virtual User Generator (VUGen)
HP LoadRunner 11.50 introduces an innovative VUGen
(Virtual User Generator) interface with redesigned IDE and Design Studio. It is
now easier than ever to record, replay and debug scripts using the new VUGen.
The improvements include:
− Modern and intuitive look and feel, flexible panes and layouts.
− The improved editor
is now context-sensitive, supports
code completion and provides enhanced coloring and formatting. It also supports
editing features such as highlighting, intelli-type, watchlist, copy/paste,
color coding, etc.
− A true C language debugger has been added.
− The Solution Explorer makes it easier to group multiple
scripts, access script items
and perform script related operations (e.g. comparison).
− New capabilities to search and replace in log and
− Step Navigator replaces tree view for single view of
the script with easy filtering and search.
− A persistent framework helps maintain a custom look-and-feel
for the script developer.
− Context sensitive helps provides needed assistance for the
application element that is being used at the time, at the touch of a button
New correlation studio
The new correlation studio hosts all correlation
functionality in one place: record-based correlations, replay-based correlations,
correlation rules and correlation from snapshot. Correlations can now be found
based on server responses during recording, in many cases eliminating the need to
replay iteratively to find dynamic values. It also includes new APIs for
locating parameters based on XPath and Regular Expressions. The new Correlation
Studio interface and new APIs makes scripting easier, faster and more
Data format extension (DFE) for Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
The DFE feature is designed to simplify scripting of
applications that exchange formatted data. By turning the formatted data into a more readable format, the
script can be easily correlated and parameterized. GWT DFE is the latest
addition to the already supported formats
of Base64, JSON, URL Encoding, XML, and
Prefix-Postfix. GWT support
− Formatting the GWT RPC data into readable and correlate-able
− Add more data (i.e. object field names)
− Enable simple parameterization
− Solve specific correlations for GWT
Recording 64-bit applications
Support for
recording 64-bit applications has
been added to the existing support for 64-bit operating systems. 64-bit applications
can usually be recognized when the “*32” suffix is not displayed in the Windows
Task Manager for their process. (replay is 32 bit based)
IPv6 support
IPv6-based applications can
be tested in addition to applications based on IPv4. Support includes IP Spoofing.
Note internal PC/LR communication (e.g. Controller-Load
Generator) is still IPv4-based.
Community sharing allows integration into the HP online community
and helps the script developer be more efficient and productive. Easily access
forums, blogs and Twitter, or add your own search engine to enable access
directly from within the development environment.
Increasing flexibility with new protocols
Mobile protocols
New protocols have been added to enable developing
scripts for mobile applications. The Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol is used for Native
applications and HP Ajax TruClient is used for browser based mobile
HP Ajax TruClient for Internet Explorer (IE 9)
This new addition to the Ajax TruClient family expands support
to Internet Explorer (IE) based applications. Applications that work in IE
standard mode can be quickly scripted utilizing the same TruClient technology that
has revolutionized scripting for Firefox Web applications.
Enhancements on HP TruClient for Firefox
The modern Ajax TruClient Firefox protocol was moved to Firefox
8 providing better performance. It now supports HTML5 and allows and allows for
easy code reuse and sharing when creating functions. It has also added “Think
Time” recording, global event handlers to support asynchronous behavior, API
for URL filtering—black and white
list, API for setting HTTP headers and allows for automatic transactions per
Web Protocol Asynchronous Support
Support for asynchronous behavior has been added to Web (HTTP/HTML)
VUser scripts, and Web-based functions
inside Flex, Silverlight, and Web Services
VUser scripts. This new capability enables recording of Poll, Long Poll and
Push interactions required for advanced Web applications that contain various
asynchronous communication designed to keep the information current and up to
date. These unique communication patterns are recognized automatically and the
recorded script is updated accordingly.
Web Services enhancements:
The Web Services protocol includes new features for
better security support, improved handling of WCF (Windows Communication
Foundation). The Web Services protocol includes the following enhancements:
Improved UI for security settings including addressing versions, easier certificate
selection, flexible definition of signature and encryption algorithms, the option
to exclude timestamps, and support of custom
extensions to WCF (Windows Communication Foundation).
Flex enhancements
New capabilities have been added to better support Flex environment.
These new capabilities include:
− Web correlation mechanisms (rules, studio and response
based correlation, Web correlation APIs),
− Web requests support
− Adobe®Flex platform jars bundled in the product so application
jars are not needed for message serialization
− RTMP FMS streaming, RTMPT and RTMPS, and GraniteDS
.NET4 support
With this release, NET4 support
has been added to the existing support for .NET frameworks 2-3.5.
Enhanced analysis
A set of enhancements were added in the analysis, such
• New RTMP
(Real Time Messaging Protocol) Flex Graphics
• TruClient
Breakdown graphs
• Allow
to apply granularity to many graphs
• Global
option of Absolute/Relative time on graphs
Extensibility for greater functionality
HP LoadRunner provides
best-of-breed extensibility
by allowing engineers to include custom code in their scripts and increase their
functionality, or use different languages such as JavaScript, Java and VBScript
to write custom scripts. Customers can also leverage Microsoft® Visual Studio™
to edit their scripts and take advantage of its advanced IDE. HP LoadRunner
also provides APIs for integrating load testing into your build management or
other automated system. New in version
11.50, users can even extend on the functionality of the all-new HP VUGen IDE itself
by developing add-ins that is integrated
into the user interface.
Integration with HP Service Virtualization
Integrate with HP Service Virtualization, and use
simulated services to facilitate load testing business processes that contain
services that are not readily available or too costly.
HP VUGen for Business Process Monitoring
For customers that leverage scripts from VUGen to HP Business
Service Management (BSM), it is required to record Business Process Monitoring (BPM) scripts using VUGen. The following enhancements were added
on Business Process Monitoring:
Scripts parameterization
Supports script parameterization from within BSM script repository
to reduce script maintenance overhead.
• Easy
script upload
Multiple scripts can now be uploaded into an existing folder
in the Script Repository using
drag-and-drop functionality.
A new set of supported environments
Windows Server® 2008 R2 SP1
Windows® 7 SP1 (32 and 64 bit)
Internet Explorer® 9
Languages supported:
English, Japanese, German,
French, Spanish, Italian*, Russian*, Dutch, S-Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese*, Korean*
***************Above all is what HP has to Say******************
At my first glance what I noticed is
***************Above all is what HP has to Say******************
At my first glance what I noticed is
- Whole UI has changed- All look and feel
- Parameters- This Option is removed from task bar shortcuts and placed in left side pane. Below Init, Action and End.
- Run-Time-Settings- This Option is also removed from Task bar shortcuts and placed in left side pane. Below Init, Action and End.
- Tree view- This is removed and renamed as Snapshot.
- Run-Time-Viewer- This is not available in 11.5 version. Install 11.5.1 or 11.5.2.
- Every Playback can be saved in different results folder inside script folder.